Resources on Conscientious Objection
As a historic peace church, Mennonites have a long tradition of conscientious objection to military service. Before World War II, leaders of peace churches secured legal exemption from military service for anyone who "by reason of religious training and belief is conscientiously opposed to participation in war in any form."
Here are resources for churches to help their youth think through their beliefs on military service and help them prepare for the possibility of a draft. Central Plains Mennonite Conference congregations who would like paper copies of these resources may contact Amanda Bleichty at [email protected]
Think in terms of leading a study on conscientious objection every two years, alternating between Ben's Story and Decide for Peace. Don't worry about repeating this material with the same students; two years is a long time in a teen's life.
Here are resources for churches to help their youth think through their beliefs on military service and help them prepare for the possibility of a draft. Central Plains Mennonite Conference congregations who would like paper copies of these resources may contact Amanda Bleichty at [email protected]
Think in terms of leading a study on conscientious objection every two years, alternating between Ben's Story and Decide for Peace. Don't worry about repeating this material with the same students; two years is a long time in a teen's life.
For the Youth
Make a copy of each of the following for each youth.
Letter to Central Plains Youth an introduction to the CO File How to Create a CO File easy instructions Christian Peacemaker Registration Form a short version just for CPMC youth; they can type directly into this Word document Formulario de Inscripcion como Pacificador the form above in Spanish. Youth fill out the last two pages. |
For the Leaders