The purpose of the requirement that adults must "engage" three books throughout the year is to aid in deeper understanding of the books that we have read, and to bring in other voices that might also help to deepen our understanding.
Questions we might ask ourselves as we engage are: How did the characters live out (or not!) the teaching of Jesus? How does the story inspire me to change my mind, to live differently, or to be more committed to the Jesus-way of peace? What questions does this book raise? There are a number of ways one might more actively engage with a Shalom Readers book. Each month, along with the new books, there will be suggestions for added engagement, as well as the ideas below. *Read a book from the children's Shalom Readers list aloud to a child (or children) and talk with them about it. *Post a review of the book on goodreads, maybe share it with the CPMC facebook page. Read other's reviews and respond. *Post a review of the book on facebook and start a discussion. *Discuss the book in a small group or class. *Attend a Zoom book club meeting *Listen to a podcast about the book or an interview with the author *Create art that helps to deepen your understanding of the book. *Talk to a friend about how the book made you feel. *Etc. The possibilities are endless! |