Please click here for Mennonite Church USA resources
Mennonite Church USA Statement on Immigration adopted by the delegate assembly in 2003 Christians at the Border: Immigration, the Church, and the Bible by M. Daniel Carroll R. (also available in Spanish) Download the Missio Dei booklet: Immigration and the Bible by M. Daniel Carroll R. Download the Missio Dei booklet: La inmigracion y la Biblia por M. Daniel Carroll R. Additional booklets can be ordered at Welcoming the Stranger: Christians and Immigration a discussion guide from Sojourners. Ask Shana Peachey Boshart for this. Welcoming the Stranger: A Toolkit for Christian Education and Action for Comprehensive Immigration Reform from Sojourners. Jesus the Refugee: A Christmas Eve service You don't have to wait until Christmas to use this service, which weaves together the stories of Jesus, Marcos (a member of Tesaquillo Mennonite Church) and a Russian Mennonite family into a reader’s theatre of story and song. |
Recommended for youth groupsJourney through the Wilderness: Welcoming the Stranger
a Lenten Bible Study on Immigration from the United Methodist Church "I was a stranger and you welcomed me" Sermon Resources on Immigration. Includes two sample sermons, sermon illustrations, immigration stories from the Bible, and contemporary immigrant stories. Why recommend this for youth? Because the stories and sermon ideas provide great discussion starters. In my shoes: Pedro Gonzalez A 7-minute video from Mennonite Central Committee Available from the Central Plains Resource LibraryContact Shana Peachey Boshart to check out these resources.
Dying to Live A profound look at the human face of the immigrant. It explores who these people are, why they leave their homes and what they face in their journey. A 33-minute DVD. Strangers in the Land: A six-week devotional guide on immigration, the church and the Bible. Loving Strangers as Ourselves: Biblical Reflections Amando a los extranjeros como a nuestros mismos: reflexiones biblicas. What the Church is Saying: The MCC US Immigration Listening Project |