Outreach & Service Committee sponsored a series of three webinars for CPMC congregations, small groups, committees or individuals, the last three Tuesdays of February 2020. Darrell (Drick) Boyd spoke on “Musings of a Recovering Racist.” He was Professor of Social Transformation at Eastern University, Philadephia, PA.
The first session addressed key terms related to race discussions that are often used inappropriately. The second session looked at the reasons race is such a difficult topic for white people to talk about. In the third session he drew from the book he is currently working on, Disrupting Whiteness: Talking to White Folks About Race. He shared some ways we can engage in difficult conversations about race-related issues in our families, with our friends and in our churches.
Racism: Webinar 1 with Drick Boyd Outreach & Service Committee February 11, 2020
Racism: Webinar 2 with Drick Boyd Outreach & Service Committee February 18, 2020
Racism: Webinar 3 with Drick Boyd Outreach & Service Committee February 25, 2020