Formation Resource Library
Christian. Muslim. Friend. Twelve Paths to Real Relationship by David W. Shenk
The New Jim Crow: Mass incarceration in the age of colorblindness by Michelle Alexander
✓The New Jim Crow: Mass incarceration in the age of colorblindness STUDY GUIDE
✓Plantation Jesus: Race, faith and a new way forward by Skot Welch & Rick Wilson
Wrongs to Rights: How Churches Can Engage the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of
Indigenous Peoples; Edited by Steve Heinrichs
✓Beyond the News: Racism by Mennonite Media Productions
* For books with an asterisk, a study guide can be downloaded at
You will find many more study guides for Herald Press books there too.
✓These are either written as curriculum or include a discussion guide.
†These items are available in Spanish; see “En Español.”
Christian. Muslim. Friend. Twelve Paths to Real Relationship by David W. Shenk
The New Jim Crow: Mass incarceration in the age of colorblindness by Michelle Alexander
✓The New Jim Crow: Mass incarceration in the age of colorblindness STUDY GUIDE
✓Plantation Jesus: Race, faith and a new way forward by Skot Welch & Rick Wilson
Wrongs to Rights: How Churches Can Engage the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of
Indigenous Peoples; Edited by Steve Heinrichs
✓Beyond the News: Racism by Mennonite Media Productions
* For books with an asterisk, a study guide can be downloaded at
You will find many more study guides for Herald Press books there too.
✓These are either written as curriculum or include a discussion guide.
†These items are available in Spanish; see “En Español.”