Guidelines for submissions to Scattered Seeds
Submit stories, resource ideas and news items to [email protected]. The newsletter is comes out in February, April, June, August and October. The deadline is usually around the first weekend of the month prior to publication. For example, content for the October issue would be due the first weekend of September. The exact deadline for the next issue appears on page 7 of every issue.
Stories should be 100-400 words.
Please email digital photos and captions whenever possible. Be sure the photos are clearly in focus.
Note that we do not print information about baptisms, marriages, voluntary service, etc.
These stories are always welcome:
1) What your church is doing together to strengthen your covenant practices.
Tell us about new initiatives, resources that are engaging, things that are bringing growth and vitality to your congregation.
2) What your church has done with another Central Plains congregation.
How is your congregation partnering with another Central Plains congregation for mission, fellowship or discernment? We want to hear what your congregation has done with another Central Plains congregation within the past two months. This can be a photo with a caption describing what you did or a longer story of 300 words or fewer.
3) News about church events.
Announce events and invite others from Central Plains to participate. Examples: a retreat, workshop or special speaker you are hosting. Also remember to send a short story and photo to tell us about what happened after the event.
4) Stories that illustrate our priorities as a conference.
Our priorities are Fellowship as Holistic Witness, Leadership for Holistic Witness and Discipleship for and as Holistic Witness. Stories that illustrate these themes are always welcome. Please send us stories and photos that illustrate how your congregation is:
· building relationships with other churches in Central Plains.
· calling out and equipping leaders.
· effectively promoting growth as Christ’s disciples in people of all ages.
· becoming a community of grace, joy and peace so that God’s healing and hope flow through you to the world.