The Story of the Ecuador Partnership
The Ecuador Partnership has its roots in conversations and visits beginning in 1990 that led Mennonite Mission Network* to form a partnership for mission with Iglesia Cristiana Menonita de Colombia and Central Plains Mennonite Conference* An important aspect of the Partnership is development of relationships among the members of Central Plains, the Colombian Mennonite Church and the Ecuadorian conferences. Relationships have been nurtured through an exchange of visits over the years in the form of Fellowship and Service Teams, Learning Tours and Partnership Visits. Partnership Meetings are held every 1-2 years in one of the three countries, bringing together representatives from each entity, to evaluate the past and plan for the future of the Partnership. In 2013, Colombian and Venezuelan leaders invited Mission Network and CPMC to also partner for mission in Venezuela.
*In 1990, Mennonite Mission Network and Central Plains Mennonite Conference were represented by predecessor organizations Mennonite Board of Missions and Iowa Nebraska Conference, respectively
For more of the story, visit:
Mennonite Mission Network, Ecuador
Missio Dei, Ecuador
*In 1990, Mennonite Mission Network and Central Plains Mennonite Conference were represented by predecessor organizations Mennonite Board of Missions and Iowa Nebraska Conference, respectively
For more of the story, visit:
Mennonite Mission Network, Ecuador
Missio Dei, Ecuador